Friday, January 28, 2011


I've spent the last two days working on making an iphone in photoshop and then figuring out how to generte the HTML fo that my music player would be inside it. my iphone isn't perfect i'll keep working on it though and one day i'll make it more realistic, but for the most part I'm prety proud of myself. If anyone has suggestions on how I can make it look better I'd love to hear them.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stumble Upon

A while ago now my cousin showed me this site called StumbleUpon. Next to facebook it could perhaps be the most addicting thing on the internet. For those of you who have not heard of it is basically Pandora for website. You choose catagories that interest you and then click stumble and it take you to a random site that corresponds with your interests. Amazing right!? well I've found some pretty awesome stuff on there. Tutorials for photoshop and just hilarious videos. Well I thought I would share a tutorial I found. It is how I learned to create the fire I did my header in.  So here is the link. Enjoy. WildFire

Monday, January 24, 2011

Uncharted 3

I recently found out there is going ot be an Uncharted 3. To my wife this is of absolutley no importance but to me, well that is a whole different story. It is my favorite game and the may have some influence on out furture. I've known for a while now I want and art degree. I am offically a Graphic Design Major however what I want to do with the skills I am learning changes frequently. I kind of like that really, Just that there is so much freedom. However I have been getting kind of neverous about what my carreer choice will be. Playing Uncharted has given me just one more idea about where I could take my career. No, not fortune hunting, (though that would be amazing, and I did discover Atlantis while playing LIFE with some friends back in Utah) but video game design. I have always loved video games so what better than to have a job of creating the artwork for them. Anyways, noone reads this so I'll just shut up now.

ps. I have a great wife!