Sunday, October 31, 2010


i've spent the last 4 days trying to make my blog look perfect, clean and professional. I don't think i've succeeded just yet but i think i'm getting close. i hope that whoever sees it likes what they see. that's it for tonight, no more blogging till tomorrow comes.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


i went to an epic concert a few nights ago with my friend Trevin and cousin Nate. we saw valencia, saves the day, motion city soundtrack, say anything and then since saves the day and say anything were there they did two tongues for the first time live. here are a few photos.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I had an assignment a while back to shoot some cityscapes so while waiting for kate to land in salt lake i took some time to cruise around the city on my longboard and snap a few photos. these were my favorites.
this one is actually just behind our place
cool archway in salt lake
fire hydrant with stairs slightly out of focus
main street from outside the gate of the temple

Monday, October 25, 2010


So for my first post these are just a few things I've made in photoshop in the few weeks I've had it.

This first one is actually a tattoo my friend asked me to design the tree.

I was just messing around with the features in photoshop and created this "space-scape" [is the a real thing?]

Lastly this one was actually a project in my 2D Design class.


So this is just my introduction to what this whole blog thinger is about. I'm going to start using it to show my photography, and artwork. I hope everyone who "stumbles" upon it enjoys it and if you do like it tell someone about it. I'm a graphic design major and am just starting out and thought this would be a good way to get my name out. Anyways enough blabbering. Hope you like what you see.